Tuesday, September 6, 2011

MyLife, MyMovie, MyScene - Honors Orientation, Section C

  My life a movie?  Who would make a movie out of my life?  How would they portray my thoughts and internal battles on the big screen?  Though I have certainly had my wild adventures, most of my life has been pretty quiet.  But, if my life were a movie, the story would revolve around my faith and my love of music and how the two came together into a passion for worship.  One of the most significant moments in my life regarding worship occurred about three years ago.  My movie could not exist without this scene.
  My family and I went on a mission trip with our church in Texas to Costa Rica in the summer of 2008. The Sunday after we arrived, we attended a church that was hosted in a garage.  Actually, it was a small shack built from all sorts of metals and wood and I don't know what else.  The day was cold and wet, and the church was packed.  I was nervous and uncertain of what to expect.  I had no idea how to minister to these people or even how to communicate with them.  I felt so awkward and out of place; I admittedly wanted to go back to the seminary where we were staying.
  My friend's uncle is a missionary in Costa Rica, and he translated the sermon for us.  Of course, the worship was in Spanish, led by a group of teens.  One lady shared about the reconciliation between her daughter and herself, a baby was dedicated to the Lord and the church, and another woman read the story of the wise man who built his house on a rock.  The pastor welcomed us North Americans and shared how the church was started.  He told us that opportunities to serve God are precious, and we need to take advantage of them.  After the sermon, we were served Coca-Cola and cookies.  I was so touched; they have so little yet give us their best.  
  By this point, my attitude had changed.  I had opened my heart to the Lord's work, and I was incredibly blessed by the pastor's words and welcome.  The service ended with praise music and dancing!  Several of us joined the group in the dance, including me.  I still felt slightly awkward at first, but through God's grace I was able to let go of myself and worship Him with my brothers and sisters in Christ.  We laughed and sang and raised our arms and danced and laughed again and again!  Suddenly, I heard a voice whisper in my heart, "This is what heaven looks like."  People joyfully worshipping our Savior with no regards to language barriers, smelly shacks, cold rain, or anything else.  All that mattered was that we were holding nothing back in our worship.
  I was surrounded by the people I had come to serve; instead, they served me.  They reminded me that the church is made of people, that God really is everywhere, and that we can worship Him anywhere.  We were told a couple of days later that the pastor asked for our names so he and the congregation could pray for us by name, and I wanted to cry.  Whenever I think about the dance session in Costa Rica, I want to jump up and down and dance around the room because I can hardly wait to sing and dance before the Lord with my brothers and sisters.  I am so grateful that God removed my fears and drew me into His presence.  I have never been so unashamed in my life.  I want that state of mind and heart back. "Thy Kingdom come.  Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."  Come, Lord Jesus!

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